Sunday, 16 December 2012
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Thossok ghajjien jew mitluf wara s-Sajf?
X’inhu: Irtir, tinqata’ minn kollox biex issib lilek innifsek, lil shabek u lill-Mulej
(Il-Mulej isibek qabel Huwa, jekk tkun liberu bizejjed biex thalliH)
Meta: Il-Gimgha, 19 t’Ottubru, 2012 (mill-4.00 pm ‘l quddiem)
Is-Sibt, 20 t’Ottubru 2012 (il-gurnata kollha)
Il-Hadd, 21 t’Ottubru 2012 (sa l-4.00 pm)
Fejn: Portiuncula Retreat House, Bahar ic-Caghaq, (quddiem li Splash & Fun)
Price : 2 nights → Euros 56
1 night → Euros 28
1 Day Lunch and Dinner → Euros 24
1 day lunch only → Euros 17
Free drinks
1 night → Euros 28
1 Day Lunch and Dinner → Euros 24
1 day lunch only → Euros 17
Free drinks
All the above prices includes the Retreat talks and notes.
Contact: Lora Sammut on 27234630 or 99827399
Ghal Min: Ghal kull min irid isib lilu nnifsu anki fis-silenzju, ghax Alla jitkellem fis- silenzju u fic-cirkostanzi tal-Hajja. Biex insahhu l-Fraternitajiet taz-Zghazagh, mizzewgin zghazagh u Mizzewgin, romol, separati, divorzjati, singles. Ghal min jixtieq dan l-Irtir ser ikun bidu gdid biex inkomplu, f’dawn il-Gruppi, din il-Mixja ta’ Fidi li l-Papa qed isejhilna ghaliha.
U min jista’ jigi biss xi gurnata? L-idejal huwa li naghmlu l-weekend break flimkien. Imma jekk dak hu l-hin li tista’ bizejjed li ccemplilna biex nifthemu dawk il-granet u hinijiet. Ejja int u stieden lil shabek jigu maghna. Barra t-talb u silenzju ser ikollna hafna hin biex inkabbru l-hbiberija vera ta’ bejnietna.
○ Lora Sammut (2157 0840 – 9982 7399)
○ Anna Muscat (2744 3469 – 99891851)
○ Antoinette Ellul (21659498 – 79050644)
○ Michael u Maria Borg (79708671 – 79900885 – 27449558)
○ Fr Colin Apap (2704 2703 – 7999 14 59)
○ Jew idhol fil-facebook colinapap u applika minn fuq l-internet
Ibghat sms jew cempel kemm jista’ jkun malajr ghax ‘first come, first served’ u biex nistghu naghmlu l-arrangamenti mehtiega dwar ikel, akkomodazzjoni etc
Wara d-distrazzjonijiet tas-Sajf tajjeb li nieqfu ftit u ningabru flimkien biex flimkien nisimghu lil Alla jkellimna.
- Bhal Abraham li telaq mill-“comfort zone” tieghu biex ifittex l-Art Imwieghda.
- Bhal Samuel li jghid “Tkellem Mulej, il-qaddej tieghek qed jisimghek!”
- Bhal Marija Maddalena li marret biex issib Katavru u sabet minflok Ragel Mimli Hajja.
Dan l-Irtir qed jigi mtella’ mill-Moviment Era Gdida. Il-kelliemi ewlieni huwa Fr Colin.
Mill-website tad-Dar ta’ l-Irtiri Frangiskani
While you are here:
- Search for “The Kingdom of God and his righteousness” to obtain all the rest (mt6,35). Prepare yourself to listen to God who made you come out of the “daily routine” to lead you in the desert and speak tenderly to your heart and make you His spouse (Hos 2,14).
- The room is the place of your interiority during the moments given to you. Do not abandon it otherwise you will fail an appointment with God (Mt 6,6). If you feel that solitude is overwhelming remember that it is “a favourable moment” for encountering God because “it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord” (Lam 3,26).
- Purify your heart to “see God”: do a revision of your life and go to confession.
- If you really want to obey God and render yourself available as Mary, try to speak to a priest: open wide your heart so that he can know you better, to understand the sense of what God is doing in you and to be confirmed in faith. It must be you who ask for this encounter.
- Finally be full of hope and joy in waiting. You had the courage to come out of your land like Abraham (Gen 12), Francis and Clare of Assisi. Repeat with Samuel “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” (1Sam 3,9). Feel the Lord coming bringing with Him the reward (Rev 22,12). You will receive a beautiful surprise: you thought that you were looking for something… and you realise… that Someone was looking for you. Exactly like Mary Magdalen at the Sepulcher: she went searching for a dead body and found a man full of life!
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Friday, 28 September 2012
On Condoms and Confession
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Sitting at the lake
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