Showing posts with label Lent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lent. Show all posts

Saturday 5 April 2014

STEDINA GHALL-"SPAZJU SAGRU" Ezercizzi B'Differenza 2014 ma Fr Colin Apap - 7 -12 April @ 7pm


Semmew li MARILYN MANROE U SUOR CRISTINA ser jattendu l-Ezercizzi
B'Differenza 2014 li ser jibdew nhar it-Tnejn 7 t'April sas-Sibt 12
t'April, 7-9 pm fi Project House, Floriana, mal-genb tal-HQ tal-Pulizija.
Marilyn Manroe tirraprezenta lil dawk il-Maltin li qed jippruvaw ifittxu
l-felicita' izda qatt ma jsibuha. Suor Cristina tirraprezenta lil dawk
fostna li qed jippruvaw isibu spazju sagru fil-hajja taghhom billi jaghmlu
ghazliet li jhobbu lil kull persuna li tkun quddiemhom.

 PS DAWN L-Ezercizzi jistghu jattendu ghalihom dawk li ma jibzghux jistaqsu
.... ghax huma wkoll qed ifittxu l-Verita'.

AUDIO - Promo Ezercizzi B’Differenza 2014 ma Fr Colin Apap - 7 -12 April, 7pm - 9 pm, Project House - Floriana (hdejn id-Depot tal-Pulizija) Ibghat sms 79991459

Ezercizzi B’Differenza 2014 ma Fr Colin Apap - 7 -12 April, 7pm - 9 pm, Project House - Floriana (hdejn id-Depot tal-Pulizija) Ibghat sms 79991459

Thursday 27 March 2014

Ezercizzi B’Differenza 2014 ma Fr Colin Apap - 7 -12 April, 7pm - 9 pm, Project Hall - Floriana (hdejn id-Depot tal-Pulizija) Ibghat sms 79991459

Click on image for further details

Carlos of the Free Spirit Drama School @ Ezercizzi B' Differenza 2014

Carlos of the Free Spirit Drama School

Ser jiehdu sehem waqt l-Ezercizzi b'differenza fi Project Hall, Floriana, matul il-gimgha ta' Ezercizzi. 

Ser jiehdu sehem personaggi 'maghzulin' u jaraw xi jfissru ILLUM ghalina. Per ezempju, il-Persunagg ta' Guda: kien hati jew le? Jekk kien hemm miktub li Gesu' kellu jigi ttradut u mibjugh minn xi hadd, x'tort ghandu Guda li kien hu "il-Maghzul" biex jaghmel dan ix-xoghol? Guda kien traditur jew parti mill-Pjan tas-Salvazzjoni.

Personaggi ohra li ser jigu pprezentati huma Xmun, Gwanni, Id-Duluri, Gesu' u ohrajn. 

Monday 11 February 2013

Ezercizzi B' Differenza 2013 18-23 March at the Project Hall , Floriana

Ezercizzi B' Differenza 2013 18-23 March at the Project Hall , Floriana

This year's Ezercizzi B' Differenza will start on Monday 18th March till Saturday 23th March, from 19:00-21:00 at the Project Hall , Floriana

I hope to see you all there !


Saturday 9 February 2013

Ezercizzi B' Differenza 2013

Ezercizzi B' Differenza 2013

invWhen : 18 -  23 March

Time :  19:00 - 21:00

Where: Project Hall , Floriana (Near Police Head Quarters)

This year’s Ezercizzi B’ Differenza will start on Monday 18th March till Saturday 23th March.

I hope to see you all there !

Click to confirm your attendance to Ezercizzi B' Differenza  Click here to confirm your attendance


